In the previous post I tried to explain what happens to the SI joint when it becomes fixed/subluxated and some of the common causes for the dysfunction. In this post I will explain how chiropractic can help those patients with SI joint dysfunction, some of the modalities we use in our office as part of the treatment and most importantly some stretches and exercises that you can do at home do decrease your chances of it happening again.
When a patient comes into our office I perform a initial history, brief exam and then I make a diagnosis. Treatment for SI joint issues usually consist of the following: Therapeutic ultrasound to loosen up the surrounding muscles/ligaments, trigger point therapy for the muscles that are taut/tender and are overcompensated, chiropractic manipulation of the affected areas of the spine (Ilium/sacrum/lumbar region), electrical muscle stimulation with heat followed by specific stretches for the piriformis, ITB and iliopsoas. Stretches/exercises and recommendations are given for home and the patient is told to follow up in a few days if the pain is not significantly improved. Usually SI joint issues improve with only a few treatments. In the rare case that the patients condition does not improve over the course of 2-4 weeks, x-rays or a MRI may be warranted (especially if there is sciatic nerve involvement causing radiating pain and/or muscle weakness).